Pivot 15 GW bindings - Sender signature

Vendor: Look
Availability: Out of stock
Size: b95

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About Look Pivot 15 GW bindings - Sender signature

Designed by Max Palm and Logan Pehota together, this Pivot 15 GripWalk® Sender Signature is the perfect set up for the hard chargers who want a unique style. With a 15 DIN rating, the binding's durable aluminum toe piece and unique "turntable" heel design offer expert freeskiers a responsive connection between boot and ski for instant power transmission and precise ski control. It features powerful shock absorption and travel with confident retention and release for aggressive skiing. It's compatible with all ISO 5355 A and GripWalk® ISO 23223 A boot soles.


GRIPWALK® Compatible
This binding is compatible with both traditional Alpine (ISO 5355) boot soles and GRIPWALK® boot soles 

180° Multi-Directional Protection
The binding toepiece offers upward release independent of the heel for the most effective protection in the event of a fall

Reliable Retention, Reduced Pre-Release
Longer elastic travel and faster re-centering ensures superior shock absorption to reduce unwanted binding release

Superior Power and Control
7 points of boot-binding contact provides superior coupling strength for industry-leading power, control, and response

Natural Ski Flex
Short mounting zone promotes less swing weight, improved response, and natural ski flex

TÜV Certified
Every LOOK product and manufacturing process conforms to international safety standards


  • Weight: 1240g per binding
  • DIN range:  6 - 15


  • ISO 5355 Alpine
  • GripWalk

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