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Long replacement ski pole grips.
Have poles sitting around at home? New to ski touring and don't want to buy another expensive piece of gear? Want to save a little money on a full set of poles? Regrip your own poles with Central Park Ski Club's freeride and backcountry inspired long ski pole grips.
Make sure your poles are 18mm in diameters.
Each set of grips comes with metal end-caps.
Click here for video instructions
How to Remove Old Ski Pole Grips:
Most ski grips are applied to the pole with glue or contact cememnt (depending how old the pole is); however, in some cases with softer rubber grips, friction is enough to keep grips secured. In the later case, removal is easier. In either case, a heating device, preferably boiling water or a heat gun (I haven't had success with hair dryer), is needed to break the bind between the grip and pole.
Heat guns will likely permanently damange the old grip, but is much faster to remove. Boiling water is a more accessable option for most people and only requires your stove and a large kitchen pot; however, more time is needed (sometimes up to 20 minutes). In both cases apply heat via your perferred heating method to grip (in the case of boiling water, fully submerge grip).
For saftey reasons and for better leverage, wrap a small kitchen towel around the grip and work the grip off the pole. Repeat steps of applying heat and working the grip off the pole as needed.
How to Regrip with Central Park Ski Club Extended Ski Pole Grips:
Recommended Glue: Gorilla Glue (clear or original)
Tools Needed: Glue/epoxy, q-tips or long application device, and glue/adhesive remover
End-Cap Instructions
Tools Needed: allen wrench
IMPORTANT: wait until the bond between grips and poles are completely settled before installing end-caps
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